Collection: Chaise-hamac

Les chaises-hamacs LA SIESTA sont l’endroit préféré de toute la famille, idéales pour y lire un livre ou faire un câlin aux enfants. Accrochées au plafond, à une poutre ou à une branche, nos chaises-hamacs décorent de manière originale maisons et jardins. Une oasis de bien-être, tout simplement!

Der Hängesessel : Schwingen macht glücklich

Hängesessel – auch Hängestuhl oder Hängesitz genannt – gibt es in vielen verschiedenen Varianten, Größen und Farben zu unterschiedlichen Preisen.

The Basic Hammock Chair

Our Basic hammock chair is perfect for transforming even small spaces into big relaxation. Thanks to its compact size, it is particularly space-saving and fits perfectly into a youth room or a small garden, for example.

The Comfort Hammock Chair

Our Comfort-sized hammock chair represents maximum comfort in a compact space. Despite a spreader bar length of only 110 cm, it offers the possibility to relax both in a seated and lying position thanks to its fabric length of 180 cm. The generously sized Comfort hammock chair is available in a weather-resistant outdoor fiber specifically designed for outdoor use, or in cozy organic cotton, great in the living room.

The Kingsize hammock chair

The Kingsize hammock chair

Relaxen wie ein König. Dank 140 cm Spreizstablänge garantiert ein Kingsize-Hängesessel maximale Bewegungsfreiheit für den Oberkörper. Das Tuch ist 210 cm lang und ist damit ideal für Genießer, größere Menschen oder das gemeinsame Schwingen mit dem Nachwuchs.

The Quality Features of a Hammock Chair

The Fabric

Will your new hammock chair be used primarily indoors or outdoors for optimal relaxation? The planned "place of use" is crucial for choosing the appropriate material so that you can select the best hammock chair for your needs to ensure longevity and comfort. The question of longevityis also important with regard to sustainable use of our resources. In terms of sustainability, our products offer the best conditions thanks to FSC®-certified wood and GOTS-certified organic cotton.

Outdoor quality for the hammock chair variety

If your hammock chair is intended to be used mostly outdoors where it is exposed to the elements, we recommend our hammock chairs made from functional fiber. This material has been specifically developed for outdoor use and is both very robust and quick-drying.

Hammock chair made of organic cotton for indoor living spaces

For a hammock chair in the living room or any other indoor space, we think our organic cotton is the perfect choice. It is the ideal solution for those who value sustainability and at the same time don't settle for anything less than the most comfortable fabric. The wonderfully soft fabric fits perfectly to your body, offering the highest level of comfort. A GOTS certificate confirms the sustainable cultivation of the organic cotton used for production.

The length of fabric

If you want to not only sit but also lie comfortably in your hammock chair, you should definitely pay attention to the length of the chair fabric. Both the Comfort and Kingsize variants from LA SIESTA offer enough length to stretch out like in a hammock and enjoy the gentle rocking while lying down, with fabric lengths of 71 in and 83 in respectively. These roomy hammock chairs can also fit perfectly in the living room.

The spreader bar

The spreader bar is the characteristic feature of a hammock chair, which opens the ends of the fabric. The wider the spreader bar of a hammock chair is, the more freedom of movement you have when relaxing. While the LA SIESTA Basic hammock chairs are designed for small spaces with a bar length of 35 in, the Comfort hammock chairs have a bar length of 43 in and the Kingsize models even have 55 in.If the spreader bar is made of high-quality materials, it not only looks nicer but is also more durable. For our LA SIESTA hammock chairs, we use bamboo wood, as it is stable and weather-resistant, has a pleasantly smooth surface, and looks elegant. Environmentally conscious people pay attention to the FSC® seal, which assures sustainable cultivation of the bamboo used in production. At LA SIESTA, all the woods we use come from ecologically and socially responsible forestry and are FSC® certified.

A comfortable hammock chair for feeling good – no matter where

Whether indoor or outdoor, in the living room or in the play room: the LA SIESTA hammock chair looks great everywhere and fits into any living space. Here are some suggestions for where this unique piece of furniture can bring more joy and relaxation into your life.

Hammock chair in the garden

Ein Hängesessel ist nicht nur ein absoluer Hingucker, sondern wird auch dein neuer Lieblingsort, um die Sonne zu genießen. Ein Hängesessel aus Outdoor-Faser bietet sich wegen seiner Witterungsbeständigkeit an. Er kann entweder mithilfe des TreeRope Befestigungssets für Hängesessel an einem tragfähigen Ast oder Balken befestigt werden oder an einem Gestell, das mehr Flexibilität in der Platzwahl bietet, aufgehängt werden.

Hammock chair in the living room

Ein Hängesessel im Wohnzimmer ist ein beliebter neuer Wohntrend und setzt nicht nur ein neues optisches Highlight, sondern sorgt auch für Bewegung und Entspannung für die ganze Familie. Farblich abgestimmt oder bewusst als Kontrast platziert – ganz, wie es dir gefällt. Es empfiehlt sich ein Hängesessel aus Bio-Baumwolle, da er wunderbar weich zum Träumen und Entspannen einlädt.

Hammock chair in the children's room

A hammock chair is the perfect addition to any kid's room, providing both a comfortable seating option and a fun and relaxing swing. Your little ones and their friends won't be able to resist. It also serves as a calming retreat for your littles after a big day of play.

Travel hammock chair

If you want to relax anytime, anywhere and don't want to miss out on the comfort of your hammock chair while on the go, our practical travel model is the perfect solution. Setup and takedown is quick and easy, and the convenience of its small size and integrated carrying bag makes it a great option to take with you wherever you go. The ZunZun travel hammock chair from LA SIESTA also features a foldable spreader bar, making it even more portable.

Hanging a hammock chair

Ein Hängesessel verfügt im Gegensatz zur Hängematte über nur einen Aufhängepunkt. Es gibt mehrere Arten der Aufhängung.

Hanging a hammock chair from a branch or beam

Hanging a hammock chair from a branch or beam

Um eine Hängesessel an einem Ast oder Balken aufzuhängen empfiehlt sich das TreeRope Befestigungsset für Hängesessel für kinderleichte Anbringung. Dank extrabreitem Gurt wird der entsprechende Baum oder Balken geschont.

Hanging a hammock chair from the ceiling

Be it in the living room or on the balcony: with the CasaMount mounting set, the hammock chair can be conveniently attached to a ceiling. Thanks to the CasaMount's patented MultiSpot, the forces are distributed evenly over four screws. The integrated SmartHook allows a height adjustment with a simple slide of the hand.

Hammock chair with stand

Für die Benutzung eines Gestells für Hängesessel sprechen mehrere Argumente. Es muss nicht gebohrt werden, es ist kein Baum oder Pfosten von Nöten, der Hängesessel wird schön in Szene gesetzt und die Position des Hängesessels kann ganz einfach verändert werden – zum Beispiel, um der Sonne zu folgen.

Steel Hammock Chair Frames

A steel frame for LA SIESTA hammock chairs is easy to assemble and quickly usable in any location. The powder-coated steel tubes are very sturdy, making them ideal for outdoor use.

Can a hammock chair be washed in the washing machine?

Alle Hängesessel von LA SIESTA sind problemlos in der Waschmaschine zu reinigen. Dafür wird der Spreizstab entfernt, die Aufhängeschnüre werden zusammengeknotet und der Hängesessel im Schonwaschgang bei 30 Grad gewaschen.

What makes LA SIESTA hammock chairs so unique:

Top quality in unmatched design variety
The original from South America

• Robust and durable
• Made in traditional Colombian craftsmanship
• All wood used by LA SIESTA comes from ecologically and socially responsible forestry (FSC® certification)
• Our indoor models are made from organically grown and socially responsible cotton (GOTS certification)

In addition to indoor and outdoor hammock chairs, we also offer hammocks for the garden, optionally for hanging or with a stand.