Colección: Hamaca

Tenemos hamacas en numerosos modelos, tamaños y colores, con diferentes precios. Aquí encontrarás un resumen de todas nuestras hamacas.

The Hammock: A Fascinating Way of Life for All Senses

There are few things that embody the South American way of life as well as a hammock. It symbolizes the colorful diversity of the continent and is an expression of joy and relaxation. This is why traditional cotton hammocks are woven with bright and colorful stripe patterns. The versatility and easy use of hammocks make them a timeless success model that looks back on a 4000-year-old tradition.

Your Hammock Moment - finally being able to gently float above it all

Your Hammock Moment - finally being able to gently float above it all

Jeder, der schon einmal in einer Hängematte gelegen hat, kennt ihn: den Hängemattenmoment. Wenn der stressige Alltag hinter sich gelassen wird und nur das Hier und Jetzt zählt. Wer die durch das sanfte Hin- und Herschaukeln erzeugte Entspannung einmal erleben durfte, wird sie nicht mehr missen und sich selber eine Hängematte zulegen wollen.

Find the hammock that suits you & your lifestyle

With the vast selection of shapes, colors, designs, and sizes, it's always recommended to do your research about the benefits of certain models and the materials used, so you can find the perfect hammock for you:

The classic hammock: colorful joy and joie de vivre

The classic hammock - also known as a fabric hammock - has its roots in South America and is one of the most popular hammock models due to its timeless and authentic design, easy use, and versatility. There is hardly a location that you could not turn into a place of relaxation with just a few simple steps. Our classic hammocks are available in three sizes - "Single," "Double," and "Kingsize." The wider your classic hammock is, the more space you have to enjoy your hammock moments. By the way, did you know that South Americans swear by lying diagonally in classic hammocks? This way, your body is not enveloped by the fabric, and your back remains aligned while lying down.

The Spreader Bar Hammock: A Dream for Sun Lovers

As the name suggests, the biggest difference between a Spreader Bar Hammock and a classic hammock is the spreader bar at the end of the fabric. This spreader bar not only gives the Spreader Bar Hammock its own distinctive look, but also provides a unique open lying experience.

Thanks to its open fabric surface, this high-quality hammock is free of shade and guarantees unrestricted sunlight, which might explain why it is the most popular hammock type in North America. For maximum comfort, you can check out our Spreader Bar Hammock model with an integrated pillow.

The travel hammock: your loyal companion on every journey

The travel hammock was specially designed to optimize your travel experience with a hammock. When you want to set up your cozy sleeping place or just relax, it can be quickly hung thanks to the suspension system developed by LA SIESTA – in any spot. When your journey continues, the Colibri 3.0 hammock can be just as quickly packed back into its practical carrying bag. Made of high-quality functional fabric, it is ultra-lightweight and can literally be taken anywhere without a hassle. In the United States of America, the travel hammock is the center of the recent popular hammocking trends. Travel hammocking means: Grab your travel hammock, some snacks, your friends, and head outdoors. Chill, have fun, and become one with nature.

Hammocks for children: Kids need to relax too

Even the most energetic children need breaks to recover from playtime or learning. In addition to the positive side effects of a children's hammock on (among other things) motor development, it is valued by kids and parents as a retreat to read a children's book, listen to an exciting audio story, or simply to relax. Our children's hammock, Moki, is designet to meet the highest safety standards and is made of high-quality organic cotton. The hammock for children is TÜV-certified and carries the Tested Safety (GS) seal.

Hammocks made of (organic) cotton: incredibly soft & surprisingly durable

Our high-quality cotton hammocks are handcrafted in Colombia using traditional artisan techniques, using particularly long cotton fibers that guarantee a super soft feel. They remain lint-free, are durable, and are also very easy to care for. The selvages of our cotton hammocks are reinforced by doubling the weft threads, making them particularly tear-resistant.

Since 2014, we have been working with our partner Fatelares in Colombia to progressively and consistently prioritize sustainability and organic quality in the production of our hammock and hanging chair fabrics. Our organic cotton is subject to the strict standards of the GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) certification, which ensures compliance with recognized strict environmental and social criteria throughout the entire processing chain. This guarantees that Our hammock fabric carrying the GOTS certification is made of pure cotton from organic farming.

Hammocks made of outdoor fabric: ideal for the garden

Hammocks made of high-quality outdoor fabric are specially designed for outdoor use. Outdoor hammocks meet all requirements to guarantee you wonderfully relaxing hours in your own garden. The outdoor fabric is quick-drying and very durable.

How do I properly hang my hammock?

Eine Hängematte kann auf verschiedene Arten befestigt werden. Die klassische Variante ist das Knoten zwischen zwei Bäumen. Weitere Befestigungsmöglichkeiten sind Kombinationen aus der Anbringung an Wänden, Decke und tragfähigen Balken. Für eine sichere Installation empfiehlt sich bei allen Varianten das Universal Rope Set de LA SIESTA.
Die Aufhängehöhe sollte beim Befestigen etwa der Hälfte des Aufhängeabstandes entsprechen. Scheint die Hängematte für den gewünschten Ort zu kurz, so kann sie an beiden Enden mit einem Seil verlängert werden.
Beim Befestigen einer Hängematte sollte stets darauf geachtet werden, dass diese im unbenutzten Zustand der Form einer Banane ähnelt. Eine Ausnahme stellt die Stabhängematte dar, die stets straff befestigt werden sollte.

Hammocks with Hammock Stands

Hammocks with Hammock Stands

Eine Hängematte mit Gestell birgt viele Vorteile: Die perfekt aufeinander abgestimmte Kombination verschönert jeden Wohnraum, Garten oder Wintergarten mit ihrer unvergleichlichen Inszenierung der Entspannung. Eine Hängematte mit Gestell ist deutlich flexibler, da sie nicht mehr an einen Befestigungspunkt gebunden und für Sparfüchse sogar direkt zusammen im preisgünstigen Set bestellbar ist.
Gestelle für Hängematten sind entweder in einer Variante aus FSC®-zertifizierter Lärche oder aus pulverbeschichtetem Stahl erhältlich. In erster Linie ist es eine Geschmacksfrage, welches Modell eher zusagt, da alle Hängemattengestelle von LA SIESTA für den Indoorsowie Outdoor-Gebrauch ausgelegt sind, aus qualitativ hochwertigen Materialen gefertigt wurden und pflegeleicht sind. Wenn das Gestell für die Hängematte öfters zusammen und wieder auseinander gebaut werden sollte, ist ein Hängemattengestell aus pulverbeschichtetem Stahl zu empfehlen, das dank des PlugTube-Systems (einfach Rohre zusammenstecken, bis sie einrasten) en Windeseile auf- und bar sinder abbau.

What is the best way to care for my LA SIESTA hammock?

In der Regel sind alle Hängematten, Hängehöhlen für Kinder und Hängestühle – wenn nicht anders gekennzeichnet – für die schonende Maschinenwäsche bei 30 Grad geeignet.